Monday, 26 May 2014

What is umrah?

Umrah is a highly regarded practice in Islam. It is a pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia performed by muslims all across the world. Like Hajj, it is a spiritual journey but isn't specific in timing it can be undertaken any time of the year. The original meaning for Umrah is œto visit a populated place. As to who performs it can be anyone who has Islam as their religion, race culture sects plays no part in this spiritual event. The pilgrimage itself is a journey to the Ka'abah as like in Hajj there is also a close connection between the rituals performed in both Hajj and Umrah. It can be performed along with Hajj and in other days as well.

Umrah is sometimes known as the 'minor' or 'lesser' pilgrimage and Hajj being known as the 'major' pilgrimage. It is not compulsory but highly recommended. As stated in the Quran:
"accomplish Hajj and Umrah to please Allah". (Al-Baqrah, 196)
However some Islamic School Of Thoughts say that it is compulsory upon any person who is physically and financially able to afford it. The purposes of Hajj and Umrah are quite different. Hajj is an obligation on all Muslims who have the ability to perform it however, Umrah is a voluntary journey which is done out of love and devotion for Allah (SWT).

There are two types of Umrah. This depends on whether a person wishes to combine the Umrah with Hajj or to do it separately. The first is al-Umrat al mufradah refers to Umrah which is performed independently of Hajj. The second being, Umrat al-tammatu refers to Umrah which is performed in conjunction with Hajj. Performing Umrah during Ramadan is most commendable and equal to Hajj in merit and excellence.

The act of Umrah involves entering into a state of Ihram in which the pilgrim assumes ritual purity. This should be done in a place which can be inside Makkah if he/she intends to perform both Umrah and Hajj at the same time, of outside Makkah if only the Umrah is to be performed. Uttering of the "niya", which is the statement where the pilgrim tells what they are about to do. For the Umrah there are two possible "niyas", either the pilgrim could be doing only the Umrah, or they could be doing both the Hajj and the Umrah.

For more please visit http://www.islamicdestinations.com/

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